Small's Office M i s t e r S m a l l: School counselor, pretty scary title, huh? But don't you worry, think of me as a friend, a compadre, a fellow pilgrim, on a mad journey we call. Anais: You're right, I think you need help from a real adult. Richard: Come on, don't be shy, go on and take my lunch money! Richard: DON'T HURT ME, DON'T HURT MY FACE, HERE'S MY LUNCH MONEY, AND MY LUNCH, PLEASE TAKE IT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! That was step one, and here comes the Bunny Hop! Gumball: Well, that wasn't much help. The Bunny Hop! But remember, you must never use it in anger! Gumball: I promise, father. Gumball: Ooooh, a secret fighting technique? Richard: Yes, it's called. The Bunny Hop Richard: There's a day in every man's life where he has to stand up for himself! But that's okay, 'cause daddy's here to teach you an old technique that got me out of trouble many times.
Richard: Come on, son, it's time I showed you how to deal with bullies. what?! Anais: I think she wants to have a fight with you. Hey, Tina, you've been picking on my brother, and I think it's time you guys talk about this face to face! Anais: Tomorrow? T i n a: Anais: Four P.M.?! T i n a: Anais: Behind the school?! T i n a: Anais: No, wait, that's not what I meant! Oopsies! Gumball: Well? Anais: It looks like your face to face turned into more of a. Gumball: Ah! What am I gonna do? Anais: Don't worry, bro, I'll take care of this for you. Gumball: And finally, we had lunch together! Gumball: Hmmm, what should I try first? Gumball: Mmmm! Lasagna! Gumball: It was great! Gumball: What? Anais: I think you're being bullied.

Gumball: Who is this for, again? T i n a: Me! Gumball: Then, she helped me "tear" through my homework.

You're Being Bullied Anais: Huh? Are you okay? Gumball: Yep! School was awesome! Gumball: I was hanging out with Tina! She taught me how to donate to charity.